Music for Studying

Music for Studying – TLBI Playlist #3

Have you ever had the need to use music to kill the noise around and focus on the work or study you are doing?

Here Is Your Next Dose of Concentration Music

For all kinds of competitive exams or just roaming in your mind palace, or while solving problems, you can always use the Music for Studying at The Learning Biology Initiative to focus more on your studies.

And guess what, it is going to be updated ever and ever with every month new posts coming up with songs you can listen to while studying. Personally, I recommend developing the habit of listening to music while studying but not just any song. There are certain features that qualify particular music for studying. Most important of those is the lack of discernible voice, or it could be songs in a language you don’t understand at all.

The songs I am listing here are available on Amazon Prime music but if you search on different apps, you may find them on your preferred music app as well.

TLBI playlist #3

Stay tuned for more

I hope you like this list. Well, you may also find these tracks for your dance practice or workout.
– Happy Learning

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